
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. I’m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.



“Vanity is becoming a nuisance, I can see why women give it up, eventually. But I'm not ready for that yet” -Margaret Atwood

I have decided to embrace my vanity and at the same time humble myself by admitting my vanity publicly.

Whiter Teeth: Years of drinking coffee have made my teeth less white than I want. I want to not harm my teeth in the process of whitening them and haven’t done much research into how to do this. 

Bigger Traps: When you look at really big dudes, a feature that you see after a big chest is big delts and big traps. I want to look absolutely hench. I want my traps to swallow my neck. 

Eyeliner: Every season around Halloween, I get the joy of wearing eyeliner more consistently. I love it, but don’t have the chutzpah to wear it outside that season. I need to get over this and find the appropriate style and time to wear it.  

Tailored Shirts: My body has changed a fair bit over COVID. My muscles have filled out, especially in my upper body. I need clothing that fits that body and looks fabulous. One of the best decisions I made pre-COVID was to get my workshirts tailored. I went from having a few shirts that fit well to every shirt looking great. I need to do this again.

Six Pack Abs: I’m in the range of having a pretty six-pack for the first time in my life outside of doing keto. I’d like to chase it this year. It’s likely not a sustainable weight and body-fat for me, but I’d like to kiss the gods of aesthetics for a time.

Emotional Skills I Wish I Had

Emotional Skills I Wish I Had

Gym Equipment Desires

Gym Equipment Desires