
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. I’m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

Gym Equipment Desires

Gym Equipment Desires

More kettlebells: I have a 25, 45, and 50lb KB. I could use a copy of the 45 for Farmer carries and dual KB movements and a 15lb one. 

Bulgarian sandbag: I love movements that work on an improve my jiujitsu movements. This emulates many movements associated with throwing and takedowns and I’d love to play with something that makes me isometrically stronger but is also dynamic. 

Squat rack: One of my great regrets is selling my squat rack before moving to Mississippi. It’s hugely beneficial and safer than the independent bars I have now. 

Trap bar: Trap bars help eliminate some of the risk of deadlift movements and also allow for better weighted farmers carries

A wheeled sled: I love cardio that is functional. I want to strap myself in or get behind the sled and just shove my way up and down my driveway. 

A Stall Bar: I want to work on locked external shoulder rotation lifts. I use the rings, but they allow for variability in shoulder rotation. 

Tibialis Bar: I want to work on the basic movements in the ATG program and a tib bar would absolutely help with this. 

More Dumbells: I love dumbbell workouts. I love finding weird isometric movements that force me to hold form at low weights and dumbbells are amazing for this. What I don’t love is having to switch out weight plates midworkout. More dumbbells would allow for me to continue to my work out quickly. 



Home Improvement Dreams

Home Improvement Dreams