
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. I’m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

Relationship Values

Relationship Values

I’m taking a really beautiful class on Buddhism and modern relationships. It’s been one of the best courses I’ve taken, and I’m looking forward to unpacking why it’s been so wonderful and how I could learn from it and emulate it for my own courses.

The homework assignment for this week was to examine your own relationship values, then see how you can embody those values yourself in order to draw others like that toward you. A big reflection is that I’m already doing a very good job creating congruence between my values and my actions, and I just need to allow for that openness to be more present instead of feeling like I need to hide it. I create so much goodness in my life but I’m often so reluctant to accept it. I rarely feel worthy, despite the fact that if anyone else was doing what I am doing, I’d absolutely call them worthy.


I desire a partner who tells the truth and is open about what is going on inside them.

Body: I touch and caress and fuck openly. We are real physical things and I use my body to affirm my own body and the body of my partners.

Speech: I share my secrets, share my worries, and reveal my hopes and aspirations

Mind: I am honest about what I really want, feel my feelings with as little judgement as I can.


I desire a wise and deep partner who aspires to know wisdom and share that wisdom with others

Body: I push the limits of what my body can do. I learn my limits, manage my pain, and discover new ways to move and be.

Speech: I am curious and genuine and humble in my interactions with others. I seek to know and be known.

Mind: I am humble in my knowledge and confident in my decision making. I am quick to change my mind but sharp to seek better, bolder answers.


I desire a partner who is kind and genuine.

Body: I am physical affectionate and show my appreciation of people with good actions and service.

Speech: I compliment freely, I tell people I love them sooner than others may be comfortable, and I say I love you to all my friends. I look for the good in people

Mind: I seek ways to interpret bad behavior into a misunderstanding, I genuinely listen and try to hear my partners point of view.


Body: I am physical and sexual and passionate. I laugh easily, I fuck well, I fight for fun.

Speech: I work to embue my words with emotion, to talk about the things that matter, to talk about the intensity of my feelings.

Mind: I know that peace is a lie, there is only passion. I am comfortable in the discomfort of feelings and seek for the moments that make me feel intensely.


I desire a partner who wants to grow and change and transform.

Body: I push my body, and always look for new skills and abilities that allow me to make physical magic. I love both the incremental changes and the sudden state changes.

Speech: I speak openly about my goals, my setbacks, my next steps. I am a constant student and always curious what someone might teach me and how that might change my whole world.

Mind: I am a beginner, over and over and over.

The Man I Say I Am

The Man I Say I Am

The Corpse and the Tree

The Corpse and the Tree