
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. I’m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

Seasonal Depression

Seasonal Depression

I’ve been managing seasonal depression for 15 years. As the seasons get darker and the sunshine gets more scarce, my mood shifts from a baseline optimistic mood into a baseline nihilistic mood. 

I’ve developed a few strategies to deal with SAD that help when they are all done in concert.

During intense winter months, I increase my caffeine intake. I am usually a 2 cups of coffee person. In the winter, I more regularly do 3 in the morning and will sometimes do more in the afternoon. This isn’t an awesome fix, but it really does help. 

Vitamin D: I go ham on vitamin D. Daily recommended dose is 1000. I take 8000. When I got my blood tested recently, they said I was on the low end of normal. I suspect I just don’t intake vitamin D well, which is a known genetic issue.

Happy Light: I have used these off and on over the years, but they’ve gotten way cheaper recently. While I’m in the Northwest for the Christmas season, I am using a happy light for 30 minutes in the morning. 

Sauna and cold plunge: I find that both sauna and cold plunge act as good shocks to the system. They add a nice dopamine and serotonin spike to the day. I try to time them for the afternoon because that’s when caffeine starts to wear out and dwindle. This usually resets me for the remainder of the afternoon.

Exercise: If I can get high-intensity lifting or cardio in, I will do that. The endorphins following the exercise help counteract my feelings of SAD

Naps and Sleep: I try to get a 20-minute nap in every day during the winter. It acts as a reset and keeps me alert. Additionally, I try to be more consistent with my sleep cycles. 

Carbs: I give into carb cravings. I can fight them, but why? 

Meditation: My meditation habit has been very scattered lately, but usually, getting a few days deep into daily practice helps me monitor and resist the more extreme variance caused by SAD. 

Creating a Life Together

Creating a Life Together

Can Chat GPT write my blog?

Can Chat GPT write my blog?