
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. I’m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

Creating a Life Together

Creating a Life Together

I’m constantly turning over how I can move from the current situation I’m in around community, into a shared commune with all of my friends. Part of me recognizes that it’s a pipe dream, another part of me wants to know what it takes and risk it.

The book Creating A Life Together is focused on both the framework of how to establish intentional communities and exploring the evidence about how successful communities worked through the problems. One of the most useful frameworks the book provides is the overall categories of problems as well as the timelines they occur over.

Over the next few months, I want to explore each of these categories, and assess my current ability and knowledge in this space (e.g. good at real estate search, bad at vision documents).

Additionally, I’d love to select several communities to research and even visit over the next year. I’d like to put points into this area in 2023 because I’d like to either lay this area to rest or really build it out. 

2022 Favorites

2022 Favorites

Seasonal Depression

Seasonal Depression