
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. I’m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

Skills for 2023

Skills for 2023

Skills I want to have by end of the year next year:

Non-violent communication: This is a pre-requisite for any communal living situation and I think it would be a great addition to my skill set. It’s been used to great effect in the Israel-Palestine conflict and generally seems like a super power. It’s the person who starts making accusations that loses.

Action: Read a book or order a book

Vocal Training (speaking): I’d love to get some vocal training that helped me with the tambor and consistency of my voice, especially in lower registers. This feels a bit like cheating, but if I can get myself to speak more regularly in lower registers, I will sound more commanding at work.

Action: Find a course or work with a vocal coach

Vocal Training (singing): I sang growing up and did choir at school from middle school onward. I love to sing, but my voice has gotten out of shape. I’d like to do some sort of vocal performance this next year just as part of showing off the practice I’ve been doing.

Action: Work with Ellie! 

Tarot Reading: Reading the tarot feels like a fun party trick, a mirror to reflect my own mind back to me, and possibly a legitimate way to augur the gods.

Action: Take a course from Megan, learn from Mary, read a book

Hypnosis: I’m fascinated by this whole space. For many years while in pain, I had a difficulty hypnotising myself while falling asleep, but now can go from awake to asleep in no time. I’d love to study how this works!

Action: Research books or courses that I could use to learn this. 

Dry-Needling: I’ve had tons of success using dry needling to deal with whatever nervous system/inflammation/neuroplastic pain issues I have. For spaces that I can reach on my own body, I think the distance is short between my current knowledge and effectively doing my own dry needling. 

Action: I already have a book, needles, and a stim machine on the way. 

Music Production: I am in love with Fred Again right now and really interested in playing with how to create songs without needing to be a “musician” myself. There’s something threatening about the idea of being a musician, in the same way I’m threatened by the idea of being a poet. But when music is just play, just pleasant noise, that threat goes away.

Action: Work with Ableton, create several songs, and explore drum pads, keyboards, and synths over the next year.

Learning Poetry, Or Making Your Mind A Canvas

Learning Poetry, Or Making Your Mind A Canvas

Emotional Skills I Wish I Had

Emotional Skills I Wish I Had