
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. Iā€™m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

A Prayer to the Tiny Gods

A Prayer to the Tiny Gods

A small stone altar is prepared.
On it are a reed of bamboo, a paper blotted with blood, and a plate of oil and garlic.
A ritual flame is lit and the head covered.

The prayer begins with palms facing the sky.

Hail to you, tiny gods, the gods of all things. 

Hail to the bamboo, the god of unstoppable growth. Bamboo the Skyward Grass. Bamboo the master reed. Bamboo the queen of bending without breaking, Bamboo the Bridge between earth and sky, Bamboo the Veridian Lord. To you, Bamboo, god of growth, I salute before all others on the opening of this ceremony, I give you these first words, a first homage, and to you I give the first offerings, freely and with good heart.

Incense and libation of wine are poured, separately, into the ritual fire.

To you, Bamboo, I offer this portion of incense I now pour into the flames, hoping you look kindly on those gathered. To you, god of growth, I offer also this portion of wine, I now pour into the flames, asking you to bless us with growth at the start of this and all seasons.

Palms now turn toward the ritual fire.

Incense and the paper blotted with blood are poured and thrown, separately, into the ritual fire.

Hail to the blood, the goddess of the liquid life. Hail, Blood the maker of a woman. Blood the master of mosquitoes and war. Blood, the king of papercuts, scrapes, bites, fury and lust. Blood, the virgin and mother. Blood the Crimson Queen. To you, I offer you this portion of incense, which I now pour into the flames, hoping you look kindly on those gathered. To you, Crimson Queen, I offer also this marker of yourself, for all that you give will be returned to you. I ask that you bless these offerings, Virgin and Mother, that our lives may burn bright.

Palms now turn to the ground.

Incense and bread are poured and thrown, seperately, into the ritual fire.

Hail to the twins, Oil and Garlic, Queens of flavor and hearth. Oil and Garlic, the scented siblings. Oil and Garlic, the annointers and meal-makers. Oil and Garlic, the divine secret ingredients. Oil and Garlic, the creators of grease and spice and zest. Oil and Garlic, the tasty tyrants. To you, I offer this portion of incense, which I now pour into the flames, hoping you will anoint those gathered. To you, sacred siblings, I offer also this bread, that you will bless our meals and tastebuds. 

Palms are turned to the sky.

O, tiny gods, the gods of all things, we thank you and praise you. We thank you for all the gifts you bring into our lives, both great and small. May we, day by day, and season by season, learn to seek you and honor you. 

So mote it be!

Skulls and Variants

Skulls and Variants

Catching the Breath

Catching the Breath