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Skulls and Variants

Skulls and Variants


Traditional Game:

Using a deck of playing cards, distribute one face card and 3 non-face cards to each player. The face card is the skull card and non-face cards are the rose cards. For the first round, determine the first player. In all subsequent rounds, the previous winning bidder plays first.

The first player plays a card face down and each player in clock-wise order places a card face down. After play reaches the first player again, the first player may begin the bidding or place another card face down on top of their most recently played card. This can result in stacks of up to 4 cards face down. If at any time, a player cannot play another card because their hand is empty, they must begin the bidding.

Once the bidding begins, no additional cards may be played in that round. A bidding player states how many cards from the table they are willing to flip face up. The subsequent player going clockwise may either bid higher than the previous bid, or pass. Once a player has passed the bidding, they may no longer bid in that round. Bids may skip numbers, for example, the first player may bid “2” and the following player may bid “5.” A player wins the bid if they bid the highest, or if their bid matches the number of facedown cards that have been played. 

Once the bidding concludes, the revealing begins.

The winning bidder flips all of their facedown cards face up. If any skulls are revealed, the winning bidder loses the round. If no skulls are revealed from the winning bidder’s played cards, the winning bidder may then select cards one at a time to reveal, starting with the top played card in the stack. A winning bidder is not required to flip all cards in another player’s stack. If a skull is revealed, the winning bidder loses the round.

If a winning bidder successfully flips cards equal to the number that won the bid without revealing a skull, the winning bidder wins the round. If a winning bidder reveals a card, they lose the round. Their played cards are returned to their hand, and the player whose skull was revealed then randomly selects a card from the loser’s hand. This card is not revealed and is discarded for the rest of the game. If the winning bidder revealed a skull card from their own played cards, the cards are returned to their hands and any other player randomly selects a card from the winning bidder’s hand. This card is not revealed and is discarded for the rest of the game. The game ends when one player successfully wins 2 rounds of revealing.

Variant game: Moral Luck
As the Traditional Game with the following variants. Instead of each player having 1 skull and 3 roses, the cards are shuffled and then distributed. This can result in hands that cannot win the game because they contain all skulls. This variant is likely to cause rage and despair.

Variant Game: Capitalism
As the Traditional Game, but each hand size is randomly determined by rolling a 4 sided die. 

Use this variant to really hammer home our desperation, comrade.

Variant Game: Realism
As the Traditional Game, but played with an actual skull and roses.

This is more of an aesthetic than a game. Bonus points if you listen to Evanescence while playing.

Variant Game: Crabs in a Bucket
As the Traditional Game, but once you have won a round, you are required to start the bidding when possible. The minimum Bid is “2.”  Other players are encouraged to play their skulls.

Try to use this variant when playing Skulls for the first time with a friend you don’t want to be friends with anymore. Let them win the first round.

Variant Game: Hardcore mode
As the Traditional game, but when a skull is revealed, the winning bidder must also reveal their skull. This is a favorite among middle-school girls. 

Variant Game: Drink Up, Me Hearty
As the Traditional game but all players wear a bandana and eye page. When you a skull is revealed, the bidding winner and the skull owner each take a shot of rum.

Make sure you have coffee and electrolytes handy for the hangover.

Variant Game: Easy as Lovers Go
As the Traditional Game, but if you reveal a player’s rose cards, you have to buy them flowers and take them on a date.

Everyone wins!

Variant Game: Part of the Family
As the Easy as Lovers Go Variant, but instead of dating and flowers, you have to meet their parents for brunch.

Variant Game: Body Heist
As the Traditional Game but only one round is played per hour. In the interim, if you can successfully steal the hand of another player, you get to keep it and add it to your hand. Hands cannot be stored on a player's body, such as in pockets or purses, but may be hidden elsewhere.

Be sneaky!

Variant Game: Auctioneer
As the Traditional Game, but one player each round is designated the Auctioneer. The Auctioneer may not bid, but they set the initial minimum bid. Bidding does not proceed clockwise. Any player may bid at any time and passing does not eliminate you from the Bidding. During any lull in the bidding, the auctioneer calls, “Going once, twice, sold to the gentlewoman/man/person…” and then must describe some feature of the winning bidder. 

Be careful of this variant, as it quickly becomes the only way you will wish to play Skulls.

Variant Game: the Old Gods
As the Traditional game, but players do not start with a skull. If they wish to acquire a skull, they must make a living sacrifice to the old gods. 1 skull is acquired for animal sacrifice, 2 for human.

Pray the time of man be forgot!

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