
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. Iā€™m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

Philosophy Fun Friday!

Philosophy Fun Friday!

Suppose a genie appears before you. The genie explains that it is able to predict the future. It presents you with two boxes.

The first box, Box A, is clear and you can see that it has $1000 inside it. The second box, Box B, is opaque. The genie explains that there is either nothing or $1,000,000 inside Box B.

The genie explains that you may either select and keep the contents of Box B or select and keep the contents of Box A and B.

The caveat: If the genie has predicted that you will pick both boxes, there will be nothing in Box B. If the genie has predicted that you will pick only box B, there will be $1,000,000 in box B.

Which option do you choose?

Things to consider:

How can you earn the maximum payout from this genie?

Is it actually possible for the genie to know how you will act?

Would you choose differently if the numbers were higher or lower?

Does freewill play into this at all?

Innovative Career Options

Innovative Career Options

January Goals Update

January Goals Update