
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. Iā€™m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

Philosophy Fun Friday: Experience Machine

Philosophy Fun Friday: Experience Machine

Today's Philosophy puzzle is brought to you by Robert Nozick. This puzzle is known as the Experience Machine problem.

"Suppose there were an experience machine that would give you any experience you desired. Superduper neuropsychologists could stimulate your brain so that you would think and feel you were writing a great novel, or making a friend, or reading an interesting book. All the time you would be floating in a tank, with electrodes attached to your brain. Should you plug into this machine for life, preprogramming your life experiences?...Of course, while in the tank you won't know that you're there; you'll think that it's all actually happening...Would you plug in?"

My personal intuitions are that by plugging into the machine, I wouldn't be living a "real" life, but then I'm forced to answer what the difference is between a "real" life and "experienced" life. I don't have a good answer to this problem, except to say that I have an unexamined preference for real experiences versus artificial ones. 

What do you think? Would you plug in? Why or why not? 

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