
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. I’m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

Kinetic Curiosity

Kinetic Curiosity

I am a kinetically curious person. When I was a boy, I loved climbing things and jumping off things. Swinging things and swinging my body around. I loved to run as fast as I could just to see if I could go even faster. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed that my joy in exercise has more to do with learning what I can do over an abstracted performance measurement like lifting more weight. I want to know what it feels like to lift the kettlebell while on one foot far more than I want to add 10ths to my bench press.

I have a short list of things I’d love to explore next year: 

Balisong tricks: I bought two practice Balisongs to play with, and I already have three tricks that I’ve got into my tool kit. It looks cool, even if it’s a bit silly. I’d like to have a total of eight as well as a series of combos that I can flip through. 

Bulgarian bag series: I have a Bulgarian bag that I want to play with and exercise with. I want to use something that builds the same muscles as judo throws and wrestling. I’m excited to play with this and learn how to move with and against the bag. 

Tire Smash: This is something I’ve wanted for a long time. It’s impractical, but I want it. I want a big old tire that I flip and hit with a hammer. I want to be destroyed by this. I want my upper back to feel like it got ripped open by a chain saw, and then I want to do it again the next day. 

Sled: I want a workout sled that I drag and push. I want to see what it feels like to grind up a hill, want to feel what my body feels like when I am a literal workhorse. I want the cardio to just go and go and go. 

Breathing: I want to explore these crazy breathing exercises that Rickson Gracie does. The breath is mystical and the fast road to the other side. It’s also the key to our power and our physical abilities. 

Hymns for the Winter Solstice

Hymns for the Winter Solstice

Cursed Values

Cursed Values