
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. I’m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

2023 Goals Update July

2023 Goals Update July

We’re half way through the year and what a year it has been! I started a new job in December that took over my life, went through a relationship break up, suffered a week long power outage, started training jiu jitsu intensely again. I’ve been to Florida, Ohio, California, and Washington, had several new coaching clients and started several little side projects that desperately need more attention. In many ways, this year has gotten away from me so far, but its been a rich, sometimes painful, sometimes pleasant growing experience for me.

Chronic Pain Handbook

Progress: I have a solid outline, 10 thousand words or so written, but have run into a hard problem on the science of chronic pain. I don’t know if this should be a stopper, but feels like a blocker.

What’s next: I’m going to read a couple of textbooks on chronic pain, and begin interviewing experts about chronic pain as part of a podcast/marketing effort

Rules of Alchemy

Progress: I have 1 additional rule that I’m working on, but this project has been back burner end for a bit.

What’s next: Write the 4th rule and continue to reflect on additional rules. I think there is an outside chance that I get 7 total rules written this year, with reflection and exercises written to support the fiction of the rules.

Spoken Word Album

Progress: I’m calling the work Fragments. I have drafts of several of the poems, but need to start building out music to go with the album.

What’s next: Pick one of the Fragments and craft a soundscape around it.

100 blog posts

Progress: I’ve written 17 blog posts this year, which puts me behind. I have content that I could post up, but I’m expecting that the back half of this year includes significantly more writing.

What’s next: Simply more writing

Chronic Pain Coaching

Progress I have not been seeking more pain coaching clients directly, but have had a couple inquiries. I expect that when I start advertising more, this will increase.

What’s next: Finish the chronic pain handbook

Congruent Consulting

Progress: I have several upcoming projects for Congruent that are in the works, and have had 2 coaching clients this year, as well as a carry over activity from last year with one of my clients. While the new job has been spinning up, I haven’t had much time to grow this.

What’s next: Build out the new projects


Progress: I have a new version of the prompts completed and have access to Canva for design and data import.

What’s next: I need to spend about 4 hours of so putting together the prototype draft, then get samples done through printify

Regular Sacrifice

Progress: I’ve made monthly sacrifice to the gods this year and had additional sacrificial ceremonies.

What’s next: I’m going to continue this, but I want to challenge myself to write a simplified ceremony for weekly sacrifice and/or sacrifice on new or full moon.

Wheel of the Year

Progress: I’ve celebrated each of the wheel’s seasons with some sort of ceremony

What’s next: Continue doing this!


Progress: I’ve read more about Hellinismos, prayed to the Oak King, and built a permanent altar in my yard.

What’s next: I’d like to find a few more books to read here, but this is well in hand and could be marked completed.

Buddhism and Meditation

Progress: I took a Buddhism and Modern Relationships class that cracked me open, and I’ve been finding moments of meditation and breathing throughout my day, but my daily practice continues to be inconsistent.

What’s next: I want to aim for a very brief 5 minute meditation in my morning. This likely needs to fit into the spot before I start my workday

Regular Prayer

Progress: I have not been doing this.

What’s next: I don’t feel connected to the idea of prayer outside of ritual, so I need to explore whether this is a blocker/carry over from Christianity.


Progress: I’m continuing to practice in little pockets of time, but still struggling with the rollover. I also wonder if the training balisongs I have are just low quality and I would find it easier with a better quality trainer

What’s next: Get a better quality trainer, and try to learn a different trick

Vocal Training

Progress: I haven’t done any formal work on this, but have challenged myself at several events to talk in a lower register and slower.

What’s next: Some formal study of speaking

Weird Workouts

Progress: I have a Bulgarian bag that I have enjoyed using for workouts, but have not yet done a tire or sled workout.

What’s next: Find somewhere that will sell me a dead tractor tire for cheap, find somewhere with a sled that I can use.

War Mind

Progress: my mats are down in my barn and I have the room Airconditioned. Unfortunately, there is a spot on the roof that leaks, so I need to problem solve for that.

What’s next: Invite some training partners over for morning jiu jitsu. Replace the light with strip lights.

Poem and Monologue Memorization

Progress: I have not memorized any poems or monologues.

What’s next: Identify a poem to memorize! I can combine this with vocal training.

Keyboard and Music

Progress: I am doing daily practice on the keyboard and slowly learning Ableton.

What’s next: I am going to keep plugging away at keyboard. My goal is to be able to play some blues with the boys next time we’re together.

Dry Needling

Progress: I honestly haven’t messed with this much since I got it. I should play with this, but simply haven’t.

What’s next: Next time I have an ache or an issue from jiu jitsu, I will do some dry needling to see how it does.

Cannibalism and Epistemology

Cannibalism and Epistemology

