2024: Everything Else
As I said my 2024 Goal Review, this last year was a hard year, the second surprising year in a row. But that hardness came alongside a whole lot of new experiences and opportunities. It was a lot less about following a secure plan, and more about playing the hands that I was given to the best of my ability.
Of all the things on the list below, the two that stand out as most intensely challenging are overcoming brainfog and maintaining my diet.
Brain fog totally destroyed my first 4 months or so of the year and was mostly out of my control and it flavored every waking moment of my days. I was really struggling to hold attention and detail on so many things. Being in big public spaces was challenging and overstimulating, I was forgetting conversations, and was searching for my phone multiple times a day because I'd put it down and lose it immediately. These symptoms have lessened a lot, not completely changed. I need to do more research on brain fog and long COVID in 2025 to see if I can get some additional improvements.
On the flip side, my diet is incredibly strict, but entirely self imposed. And the pay off is amazing. I literally feel like I have a new body. I went from daily waking up with hips and back that ached, "injuries" from exercise that would linger for months, to a mostly pain free existence. I'm 20lbs lighter from inflammatory weight coming off, my joints feel amazing. The cost is that there are very few places I can eat out, some food that I can't enjoy anymore, but my day to day existence is vastly improved.
Everything Else:
Launched Athena consulting business
Developed marketing and business plan and formula for Project Ahab
Continued my coaching side business
Launched Black Sails MMA 2.0 as one of the core instructors
Quit LSA
Started a new job at Bluebeam
Went to 8 conferences
Got better at piano
Mostly overcame brainfog
Maintained a very strict diet
Read several dozen books
Trained my dog to be off leash
Fixed so many electrical and plumbing issues
Started kayaking
Meditated as part of a sangha most Sundays
Started flow rope and can do a handful of tricks
Learned to throw a single-tail bullwhip (Indiana Jones, baby!)
Had a poison ivy rash for the first time
Saw Pilobus modern dance performance at Wolf Trap National Park
Saw live Shakespeare at the Folger Shakespeare Library in DC
Changed my home office from a dark masculine vibe to a bright feminine vibe
Went to Disney World for the first time
Witnessed a total solar eclipse
Busted my cheek open during sparring
Got my first tattoo
Helped Mary raise 30 meat birds