
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. Iā€™m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

2024 Goals

2024 Goals

I'm trying something different this year with my goals. While reflecting on my process for picking and setting goals, I realized something: I have much less about my life and myself that I want to change this year than ever before.

There's some nuance here, of course. There's so many places that I'm growing and learning and evolving and I have every intention to continue doing so. But the practice of saying at the beginning of the year I *must* change has fewer targets this year. There are a few areas where I believe that if I don't deliberately put the work in, I may not achieve my desired outcome, and it's for these areas that I'm setting goals.

Train and learn like I'm a Brown Belt:

I've reached a point in my jiu jitsu that I must be far more self-directed with my jiu jitsu development. I have gaps in my game that need filled, I have areas I haven't explored with any detail, and I need more deliberate mat time. I don't have control over what belt I am, but I can measure success based on my performance against other purple belts, by my ability to bring about my game, by having more or more technical answers to scenarios.

Earn $500,000 dollars:

This is a gigantic target but it matches my appetite. I have several avenues toward making this target and I have the fire in my belly to make it happen. The biggest hurdle here will be overcoming my reluctance towards sales and marketing. I'm currently tracking some of the mechanisms here

Share the learning I'm doing:

I have so many different areas that I'm learning and growing. My plan is to use Obsidian as my repository for all that learning and then re-open the practice of learning in public.

Be a better fiction, non-fiction, and poetry writer:

I love writing in all it's forms. I want to devote a significant portion of my time next year to becoming a better writer, both by writing more and deliberately practicing writing.

Become Pain Free (again):

Over the past couple of years, I've developed some chronic issues that are affecting my quality of life. I was so delighted to have a few years free from pain and I want to return to that space again. This looks like a lot of deliberate body work and finding specialists that can help me on the journey. I know what to do, but haven't cracked the code on what will work best for me. I'm immensely grateful that I have so much knowledge about pain that I'm not dealing with the psychological struggles as much I am with the very practical addressing of body issues.

Her, the Heron, Hurried Away

Her, the Heron, Hurried Away

2023: Everything Else

2023: Everything Else