
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. I’m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

2022 Goals

2022 Goals

Happy New Year!

The bones are cast, and the diviner reads this as a year of mystery! Will COVID end? Will Biden follow through on his student loan promises? Will I become a Buddhist for real? No one knows!

Amidst mystery, swirling chaos, and uncertainty, the only answer is our anchors. So reign in the ambiguity and tame yourself!

This year, I will be keeping a long list of goals here. As the year goes on, I will continue to enrich this sheet and track the goals, but the overall list should be settled by January 9th. This list is long, so I’ve highlighted a few items below that are interesting or special to me. 


This year will continue the last two years' exploration of calisthenics and bodyweight exercises. I’m inspired by a TikToker Nathaniel Nolan’s “30 days of walking on hands” challenge. The idea is to start with 5 minutes of bear crawling and add one minute of bear crawling daily to the mix. His practice massively improved his mobility, upper body strength, and comfortability being on all fours. I will do this challenge later this year once my wrist injury has healed.


I’ve been practicing Wim Hof breathing on and off since 2017 and recently began a much more intense practice of doing cold plunge. I built a cold plunge tank out of a refurbished chest freezer and will build up to doing a 20-minute plunge at 45 degrees. I’m currently at 12 minutes. Additionally, I’ve been researching Tummo breathing, which is another form of thermogenic breathing practice. One of the claims of Tummo practitioners is that they can dry a water-soaked sheet with their body heat. I’d like to see if I can replicate this. 


This is a big category this year, ranging from writing facilitating, coaching, and film-making. I want to hone my communication craft and have several projects designed to improve this. By the end of this year, I hope to have clients for coaching and facilitation and have written and published several long projects. I’m especially excited about the meaning sequence of posts I’ve been working on and hope to publish at least 25 more items in that series. 


With COVID on and moving, jiu-jitsu has been all over the map, with some months having no jiu-jitsu and some having me training four days a week. By the end of the year, I’d like to have heel hooked a purple belt, which will be challenging given that I haven’t hit a single heel hook yet. I also plan to develop and teach a beginning jiu-jitsu sequence. 


I was hesistant about setting this goal this year, but I decided to double down and do it justice. I am going to sign up for a tutor and hope to complete half of the 12 goals I’ve defined in this category this year. I’d like to live for a significant amount of time in Latin America during my life, so I need to learn Spanish. This category is an investment into that future, but it’s also appreciating the joy and struggle of learning a second language.

Favorite Purchases of 2021

Favorite Purchases of 2021

2021 Goal Review

2021 Goal Review