
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. I’m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

Toys I Want

Toys I Want

Native Instruments Maschine+: This is a soundboard, loop and beat-making machine. I was introduced to this device via Fred Again and really want to learn this particular instrument. It’s really a meta-instrument because it can contain all instruments and sounds within it if you program it. I’m particularly in love with the idea of bringing this to jam with people and being able to fill the niche of any jam band because I have this and know how to use it. 

An 88-key MIDI capable keyboard: I have a small AKAI MPK mini keyboard that I am learning on right now and it’s perfect for me as a beginner but I can already see some of the limitations and understand the limitations of the non-weighted keys. I am running a test to see how long I can stand using the AKAI keyboard because I don’t want to over invest, but a beginner keyboard is likely in my future.

Meta Quest Pro 2: I’ve been wanting to play more with VR for a long time, but just haven’t been able to justify the cost and time sink of diving in. VR absolutely will have a place in gaming and hopefully digital collaboration in the future and I’d love to form an opinion on how that can happen. 

Vintage Switches and outlets for my office: I really want the manual feeling of flipping switches on and off. Something just different than any other room in the house and a feeling of being in an oddly retro-future space.

Home Improvement Dreams

Home Improvement Dreams

Learning Goals and Topics for 2023

Learning Goals and Topics for 2023