
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. Iā€™m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

Fragment 5: Shadow Work

Fragment 5: Shadow Work

The thing about shadow work is that it's not shadowy at all.

People talk about it like it's exploring some old creepy cathedral, with mold on the walls, dust in

the corners, and skeletons buried in the basement

It's not like that at all.

It's a fucking jungle in here.

Dark flowers birthed from mom's narcissism

Whole mushroom ecosystems spawned from downed trees of jealous abusive loves

The fetid humid pressure of ambition fueled by inadequacy.

Blast furnace bright and sweltering.

There's sweat alright, but its adulterous sex sweat, panicked fear sweat,

Sweat of being exposed as the monster you are

Fragment 6: The Overlook

Fragment 6: The Overlook

Fragment 4: Divine Lu(Lust)ck

Fragment 4: Divine Lu(Lust)ck