
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. I’m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

Fragment 2: No Matter How I Tried

Fragment 2: No Matter How I Tried

Nothing I can write about her can be complete. That approaches an ontological truth. There are no words for ineffable feminity, for celestial chaos, for falling in love. It’s just fragments from here on out. Bits and pieces of what was and could have been. All illusion and romance and secrets that turn to vapor in the light of day.

"But I could never rescue you, no matter how I tried. All I could do is love you, hard, and let you go."

She hated being seen, never believed I had a stake in the seeing. You cannot observe the glow of the moon without being illuminated yourself.

You cast pale light into the old-growth forests of my heart/And reveal ancient temples and hidden hollows I could not see without you

Fragment 4: Divine Lu(Lust)ck

Fragment 4: Divine Lu(Lust)ck

Fragment 1: A Scrimshaw Pelvis

Fragment 1: A Scrimshaw Pelvis