
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. I’m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

the breath

the breath

the breath.

always the breath. 

we snap and tap

our thighs and hands become drums

we hum to make music fill the geometric ether

but the breath is what carries us

deeper down and farther up 

the sharp exhale that sounds like whispered laughter

the rapid inhale of air through the edges of our nostrils

the soft haaaaaaa of slowly letting the breeze out of us

breath as bongo, breath as harp, breath as stolen fruit from the tree

my brothers, we talk and laugh and sing together

but it’s always back to the breath

always back to the shared thin air

the sighs and winds that flutter over our vocal chords

the bellows pump

and connection follows

the breath. 

always always always

The Moon

The Moon

Hardest Coaching Lesson

Hardest Coaching Lesson