
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. I’m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

Making Music

Making Music

I have started playing around with making some music. I did choir most of my life but I don’t really know how to read music and the barrier to making music has seem really high until recently.

But then I downloaded an app that allows you to build soundboards, load sounds and download soundpacks and I’ve been having a blast making little songs. It’s also caused me to listen to music more carefully and hear what I like and what I need to do to make better music, too. I’m a novice but one of the main points of this blog is be honest and earnest about my learning and development process.

Song 1: You are Unforgettable.

This is a funky song in the vibe of Daft Punk. It’s a little clunky, but the synth vibes and the robot vocals are solid. It’s clear in listening to it that I need to pay closer attention to being on beat when I’m playing the board. For a first song, it’s very solid. It makes me want to figure out how to capture and modulate my voice to make the vocals myself.

Song 2: Candlelight

In this song I’m working on creating more of a vibe and trying to be on beat when I allow new loops and sounds to enter the song. I was also playing with getting multiple sounds threaded at the same time instead of adding things one at a time. It could definitely be a lot longer, but I’d need more variety to play.

Song 3: Sweet Autumn

I just wanted to try to make something different. A little happy jazzy funk. The flutes in this song are fun. The strings are a non looped sound that I think I did good job making sure stayed on rhythm. Same for the claps. Overall the song feels a bit boring. I probably needed to change up the drums a bit or something. Those elements stayed identical the whole time.

Hardest Coaching Lesson

Hardest Coaching Lesson

The Inside View and the Outside View: Self Esteem

The Inside View and the Outside View: Self Esteem