
Welcome to my blog. I document my thoughts, opportunities, and ideas. I’m deeply interested in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and collaboration.

2019 Goals: August Update

2019 Goals: August Update

Goals completed:
Hips: Dragon and Frog Pose
Shoulders: Sit-through Bridge, Raised Arm, Twisted Lay (nailed the sit through on 8/5)
Skin Care (Huge upgrade to quality of life)
Attacking jiu jitsu (This is a key)
Stand-up and Takedowns (I’ve improved a lot)
Contribution (Tuesday night kids class and helped a BJJ friend get a job)
BJJ Learning (Danaher back series, and working on Ryan Hall Open Elbow)
Cook a Steak (Cooked a perfect medium rare)
Salsa Dancing (Beginner class completed August 1st)
Reading List (Finished 10 books, more to follow)
House Sale (Sold!)
Meditation Habit (Consistent and nearly daily)
Get Hotter (have you seen this curly hair?)

Goals Still Active:
Remaining Stretching Goals (making improvements)
Dental Hygiene (not consistent yet)
Sleep Hygiene (switched back to bed cell phone after move)
Wrists Healed (Still rough)
Training Partners (This is ongoing til year end, but a success so far)
Nutritional Learning (Want to do more)
Food Ethics (Want to do more)
Washington Tour (need to see these things)
Seattle Tour (sames as above)
Learn Piano (dropped this during the move, hoping to pick up once house is finished)
Vocab Words (ongoing and will likely be complete in the week)
Intentional Living Community (Briefly considered buying a large compound in MLT)
House Repairs (This was so much harder to do than we thought)
AI and Healthcare Reading Group (Floated to several groups and some interest)
Vis Coms (ongoing)
Healthcare and Tech Strat (ongoing)
Meditation Retreat (Scheduled for October)
Meditation Learning (More classes start in September)
Breathing (ongoing and not consistent)
Gratefulness (ongoing and not consistent)
Journaling (Inspired to follow through by Oxford folks)
Debt Reduction (We just might hit this)
Side Hustle (rashguards are coming along and vocab cards are started. Also Good Tech may be a thing soon).

Goals Abandoned
No Major injuries (Had an training injury take me out for several months this year)
Bravo Bravo club (We aren’t doing the Bravo club this year because we have comp tickets)
AI Conference (No money for conference)

Goals Added:
Become a leader at work: This seems fun and furthers my career goals.
Improve Whiteboard Handwriting: My normal handwriting is bad, but it’s easy to switch it for whiteboard writing.
Practice Drawing: I want to practice using doodling and drawing as a communication medium at work and I need to build up additional skills in order to do that.
Learn about China: I’m going to use this as a means to learn about economics and international politics
Mentor/Coach Philosophy Students: I want to help coach philosophy students into launching successful careers.

Healthcare Policy

Healthcare Policy

Oxford Reunion: Insights and Inspirations

Oxford Reunion: Insights and Inspirations