I am a performance coach, writer, and chronic pain survivor.

I help organizations and people transform.

Since 2014, I’ve worked with organizations to help them build their transformation strategy and roadmaps. This works spans technology, people, and fundamental processes. I particularly love to work with leadership teams to create alignment for the future. I’ve worked with tech start-ups, giant manufacturing companies, healthcare clinics, and every type of leader I can imagine.

I survived a daily migraine headache that lasted nine years and learned a lot about managing my own mind during those years. A big part of my work today as a coach is helping people see their own minds and discover how the habits that may have been helpful in the past are not the habits that will make them flourish in the future.

My goal is to take the lessons I’ve learned in my career and overcoming personal obstacles and give them to the world. Everyone deserves a life where they can flourish and grow. Sometimes all it takes is working with someone who has been in the trenches to help show you how.